Friday 26 December 2014

[Etude House] Sunprise Water Essence

It's Summer time right now down in the southern hemisphere, and thankfully our summers are quite nice and sunny, when the weather decides to be good. 

It does mean that we do need a good sunscreen when we go outside if we don't want to sustain any sun damage though, and I decided to go through some of the samples I've been collecting up. 
It was a close call between the 'Lioele Fresh Sun Screen (SPF45)' and the 'Etude House Sunprise Water Essence (SPF30)', since I liked the texture and finish of both. 
In the end I decided that, since I rarely go outside for extended periods of time, and when I do, I use stronger sunscreen and reapply every so often, and also because Etude House' sunscreen was cheaper, I'd try it out first.

The packaging is simple and pretty; I really love how bright the yellow is, which is shown better in the first image. I thought it'd come in a tube but it came in a bottle that's plastic and quite sturdy. 

Apologies for the terrible quality and lighting of that picture :/ 
It's not a terribly large bottle but I only use it for my face so it's a good enough amount at 80ml.

It claims to be a 'light weight watery gel...without greasy residue'. It's light weight and watery and without any greasiness but it's more lotion than gel. 

Its texture is like a slightly watery lotion; light and absorbs quickly into the skin. Because it's easy to spread, you don't need to slap on a great amount to cover your face.

It does supply a bit of moisture like any lotion would, and sometimes when I'm lazy I skip applying lotion and make do with just this under my daily cream.

Priced at $14.98 USD I'm really happy with this purchase. It's quite true to the sample I tried. I'd happily purchase this again if I don't feel like trying another sunscreen hurhur.


Light weight
Packaging is cute and sturdy
Easy to spread
Not a lot is needed to cover your entire face 

 UVA and UVB protection could stand to be higher, but it's good enough for daily use

Overall: 4.99/5
Verdict: I'd give an A+. I'd easily buy this again when it runs out.

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[Holika Holika] Heartful Glossy Lipstick

Recently I bought a couple of items off jolse because I'd been eyeing the new products for a while. While this isn't exceptionally new, the colour is kind of "new" on the scene? The pinky brown shade that Kylie Jenner made popular.

Originally I was going to buy the non-glossy formula, but then I read a review that it was a bit dry, and let's face it, if my lips get any dryer, camels will start walk across them.

Jolse is always quick with their shipping but this came so quickly I thought it was something else I ordered. I think it came in about 6 days..?

It claims to give a "subtle sheen", and to be "moisture-laden", giving "firmer" and "moist lips".

The tube it comes in feels metallic and sturdy; it feels much more expensive than Etude House's lipsticks' tubes. It's not a large tube by any standards.

The shade I bought is No.1, Honey Beige (BG402).
Isn't the heart shape of the bullet adorable? I was worried that it might make application difficult because I already suck at it in general, but it's actually really easy to apply. Dare I say, even easier to apply?

In terms of colour accuracy, on my computer screen I find the swatch on my lips more accurate than the one on my hand. The swatch on my hand is more orange than the shade in real life.

It's a lovely warm-toned pink brown colour; the colour on the lips is quite true to the colour on the bullet. 

Wear time is average; a couple of hours if you don't do anything. It doesn't leave much of a stain on your lips if you eat.

Contrary to the description, I wouldn't call it a subtle sheen; it's got more of a medium colour pay-off. 
It's amazingly glossy when you apply it on, but about an hour or so into wearing it, the gloss disappears and it kind of gets a bit dry. It's by no means a substitute for chapstick.
It reminds me a little bit of the Revlon Lip Butters or the Maybelline Color Whispers. I definitely recommend giving this a try if you can't buy those where you live.

Also, it's scented. For me, I don't find the scent unpleasant, and the smells fades once it's on your lips.

True to bullet colour
Good colour pay off
Packaging is nice
Easy application

 Glossiness disappears after an hour or so
 Not a "subtle" colour pay-off as described

Overall: 4/5
Verdict: I'd give an A-! I like this a fair bit and I'd consider getting other shades in this formula. I bought it for $8.08 USD off Find it here. (Not sponsored.)

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Saturday 6 December 2014

[Etude House] Dear My Blooming Lips-talk Review

I finally gave in and bought my first Etude House lipstick despite reading some reviews about how it clings to dry areas and such. 
Summer's coming up and I wanted a coral-ly coloured lipstick I could wear out and I thought I might as well cave in now and get an Etude House one.

Etude House's Dear My Blooming Lips comes in a range of colours, from pinks to reds to beiges to oranges. The one I bought was in the shade OR223.

As always Etude House's packaging is adorable; both the tube and the box it comes in is super sweet and girly. Side note: the tube is plastic and since it closes tightly (no chance of the lid slipping off) I'm always afraid I'll rip the bow off if I'm too rough with it.

To be honest, the colour on the box and from the bullet terrified me; it looks neon coral in the bullet, and bright orange on the box.

Can you see the adorable logo on the bullet? I love the cute touches Etude House uses. Side note; I had used the lipstick quite a few times before taking the photos, so in a new lipstick there's more product.

Not as scary when swatched eh? It's got a slightly glossy finish.

It's still quite neon on the lips, but not nearly as intimidating as the bullet itself. If you blend it out with your fingers or a brush, you can get a bright, coral pink colour on your lips.

True to all the other reviews, this is quite drying on the lips, so you must exfoliate your lips prior to application. 

Its lasting power is meh; about an hour or so if you do stuff. If you plan to eat then you'll have to reapply. It leaves the slightest tint, bit not enough to pass off as a real tint.

It's scented; it smells slightly sweet, and not in an overly artificial way.

Pretty good colour pay off
Scent is quite pleasant
Extremely cute packaging
Good finish

 Clings to dry patches
 Very average lasting power
 Not exactly true to colour depicted online or on the box
Overall: 3.5/5
Verdict: It's about a B? Not bad, not great. No regrets, and I may buy another one if it goes on a great sale. I bought it for $8 USD off

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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Concealer Comparison! [Etude House] Surprise Essence Concealer vs [Collection 2000] Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer

Collection 2000's Lasting perfection ultimate wear concealer has been claimed to be 'comparable to NARS radiant creamy concealer', a concealer that's considered a grail item by many gurus on the internet.

It's "a little" out of my price range, but NARS' concealer has been so hyped up as such an amazing concealer especially for dark undereye circles, I've been wanting to try it out.


When I heard that Collection's concealer was a comparable dupe, I thought, why not? 
See if it's worth the splurge, or if my current concealer is good enough. (I'm currently still using the Etude House Surprise Essence Concealer).

Here's a quick comparison of the two. Collection's costs about $9 NZD in the supermarket on discount, and Etude House costs about $7 on discount. Collection's tube contains more product though.

I've read some comments online about how the writing on the Collection's concealer rubs off in about a week. I've had mine for over a week, but it hasn't rubbed off, bearing in mind I don't use it very much.

Etude House on the left, Collection on the right.
Etude House uses a tear drop shaped applicator, while Collection's is doe foot. Haven't really noticed much of a difference since I use fingers to blend it in.
However, I think the Etude House's applicator is slightly softer.

Both are bought in the fairest shade. Neither brand's colour selection is wow-inducing. Funnily enough, when blended out completely they don't look entirely different.

In terms of consistency, both are creamy, but the Etude House one is slightly runnier. It doesn't dry as quickly as the Collection concealer, allowing for a bit more of time to work with the concealer.

Personally, I think the Etude House one does a better job of covering up than Collection's concealer.

In terms of undereye circles, my main problem area, Etude House does a better job of neutralising the darkness than the Collection one.

Additionally, for whatever weird reason, the Collection concealer accentuates dryness, making your undereye circles look even more tired. 

Maybe I should've bought the Collection concealer in the medium? Either way, I'm not going to rebuy that one.

Etude House Pros:
Runnier; more time to blend in
Better at neutralising undereye circles
Better suited for Asian skin tone
Applicator is softer on the eye area
Better coverage

Collection Pros:
More product
Comes in lighter shades for fairer skin tones (useful for chest blemishes)
Better suited Caucasian skin tone
Good coverage

Etude House Cons:
 Product sometimes squishes out of bottle
 Isn't as light Collection's concealer
 Less product

Collection Cons:
 Gives somewhat reverse panda eyes
 Dries very quickly

Verdict: I'll probably stick with the Etude House one. I don't need a lot of product so its lasted me a long time, so the less product issue isn't really an issue. I find it easier to use and better at neutralising dark undereyes circles. I like the texture of the Etude House concealer better. A little bit disappointed about the somewhat over-hyped Collection concealer, but if you have cool-tone, extremely fair skin, I'd recommend giving it a go.

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Sunday 9 November 2014

Japan Trip 2014 Part 3 (Tokyo Disneyland!)

Day 3
Destination: Tokyo DisneyLand!

After a good night's rest, we headed off to the land where dreams come true =w=
Usually, this is a place where people choose to spend 3-5 days, because of how big it is, and the amount of people there, which means that you might not be able to go to all the rides you'd like.

Our hotel had a bus that takes you right to Disneyland; all you have to do is tell the people at the service desk which of the available times you want to catch, and then show up on time.

We picked the one around 10am, so we wouldn't have to rush too much, or waste too much time. Also, we had to grab some food from the almighty 'conbini' before we headed off for some fun.

Anyhow, that's the bus we took from the hotel. Isn't it cute?

The bus had a this screen that advertised Tokyo Disneyland and a water park. At first we were like 'oooooh :D', but then when it repeated itself for the 10th time, well... we found the scenery passing by outside much more interesting.

When we arrived there there were a ton of buses in this area, where all the buses stopped. 
And the line to get the ticket... there were at least 10 lines, all at least 30m long LOL.

I totally recommend buying your tickets beforehand so you can skip then line. But even if you don't, the wait isn't too long.

Just a note, there's a line just for buying tickets, and a line to get through the gates, so make sure you get in the right line for whichever it is you're getting. 

After you get in, this is what it looks like :3

And yes, we all wrote wishes on a Mickey Mouse shaped card and tied it up with a gazillion other wishes 

Just some pics from DisneyLand~

When we saw the bear, we all agreed that it looked like us during the semester... all worn out. Poor Big Al.

The figures inside the box above was all made from paper. It was so pretty =w=
The box itself wasn't too shabby.

Oh man, the girl kneeling. She looks like she's trying to pick a fight or something.
"Wanna fight bro, wanna fight?!?! ...sorry ma'm. No, I'd still like my pumpkin carriage please,  godmother..."

Minnie Mouse House!!! She's one of my favourite Disney characters.

Some food from DisneyLand. Chips, special bun burgers, hot dog, strawberry pie... It was pretty yummy, at DisneyLand prices haha.

Oh man, it was a really long and tiring day. I was too accustomed to waiting no more than maybe 20-30 minutes maximum for a ride, but some rides had an estimate 40 minute wait?
And when we talked to some Japanese friends, they said some rides on a busy day they had to wait for 2 hours.

I definitely recommend using the fast passes, where you get a fast pass ticket for a specific ride earlier in the day, and then go back when you can use the fast pass. You still have to wait around 10-15 minutes, but it's bearable. Sort of...

If you're very keen on all the rides, I recommend at least two days.

We watched fireworks at the end of the night, and got back to the hotel at around 11, and were dead asleep pretty quickly after Disneyland.

Next: Visiting a Japanese University

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Estee Lauder Double Wear All-Day Glow BB Cream

By J
Sample Review

Uhh yeah so I decided to give this a try since they were offering a 10-day free trial at the counters here. I thought I'd give high-end bb cream a try and see if it was worth the splurge.

It claims to "brighten, perfect, and even skintone" and is "lightweight, oil-free, moisture-fresh" with SPF 30

I went to my most convenient pharmacy and picked up the pottle. 
At first when the counter assistant brought  out the little pot I was like, "What....", because the little sample pottle they give is the size of the cosmetic containers you can buy at the dollar store, and I didn't think it could possibly be enough for 10 days. 
Boy was I wrong...

Anyway, the container is really nice, even though it's just a sample.

The 'intensity' (as it's called) that was given to me was 1.0, the lightest available. 
It's actually not that light, and it's geared more towards a pinkish skin tone.

The colour above is pretty close to what it looks like to me in real life.
And funnily enough, the smell reminds me a little of playdough.

 Even though it claims to be light weight, I find the formula quite thick and much heavier than any of the Korean bb creams, and heavier than the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation.

It might be oil free, but it has zero oil control, so if you need help in that department, powder up.

It's pretty moisturising I guess, but it doesn't leave you feel cool and hydrated? Maybe I've been too spoiled with Korean bb cream formulas haha.

So here's what it looks like on. I'm a bit pink from washing my face and around my nose, and  have some minor spots on the left cheek in the image, and some minor spot son my forehead.

Its coverage I'd say is medium to full, but bearing in mind I did slap on quite a bit on my face. Because it's so thick; I found it hard to blend easily. 

Although the picture doesn't show it, in real life, it makes me a little more beige than my own skin tone.

Decent coverage
Evens out skin tone
Not drying

Thick (not as light weight as you’d expect)
Colour caters to western skin tons
Smells like play-doh
Not much oil control

Overall: 2.5/5
VerdictThe product itself I'd give about a 3/5, it's a decent bb-cream, but it doesn't really live up to its claims. The price itself is pretty steep, and I wouldn't be willing to pay so much for a bb-cream that I felt so meh about, when there are so many others that I find nicer.

I'd say save your money and buy a cheaper bb cream.

I'm keeping that cute container though. Just sayin'

Saturday 11 October 2014

Japan Trip 2014 Part 2

Date: July 2 2014
Destination: Tokyo Skytree and a little wandering

If you've checked out our instagram, you'd've seen us post this agessss ago! If you haven't, check us out here!

Onigiri of some sort and some cold bottled tea was our staple breakfast for a lot of the time when we weren't at a hotel that provided food--at the end of the trip, a friend of our's said she didn't want to see another onigiri for a long time LOL

It's pretty cheap from the convenience store; you can buy it both for less than 250yen in total.

We decided to walk from our hotel to Tokyo Skytree, which thankfully wasn't too far, because the day was so hot. Any time we weren't in the shade or there wasn't a breeze it was stifling

Luckily, the walk there was incredibly pretty and peaceful. We went through this long green park that had trees and a stream and all sorts of people passing by. Grannies, men on bikes, a dad and son catching a bugs with nets, young school kids with their teachers running around in the heat...

But finally, we made it to the bottom of Tokyo Skytree. We saw this cute panda costume sitting by the store and the lady so kindly helped us take a photo with the panda. We felt pretty bad for not buying something from her store D: 

Something cool in Japan; their recycling. THIS ISN'T EVEN IT'S FINAL FORM. This is a quick taste of what their recycling is like; everything is separated for efficient recycling.

This is taken across the river from Tokyo Skytree. It was so green and pretty, and even though we decided against going up the Skytree, it was really worth exploring outside of it.

It was around tanabata when we were in Japan, so everywhere you could write wishes on paper and tie them up. If you check out our instagram here you can take a look at another picture that K took.

The photos below were taken from inside the mall at the base of the Skytree. The decorations were so cute and colourful ^U^

The two pictures above are fake food! Pretty impressive huh? Japan has some of the most realistic fake foods for display that I've ever seen before. I just wanted to take some home with me!

It was a super hot day and I'm so grateful that everywhere indoors was airconditioned... 
But what better to do on a hot sunny day than to drink cold green tea and eat sweets? Seriously, it's such a good combination I totally intend to do it when it's summer time here~

At the base of a lot of malls, you can find the food level, where there are SO many different food stores which give out lovely, lovely samples for sweaty people. 

We met this really nice guy who gave us a ton of soy food samples to try, and chatted to us about where we were from and so on. (I guess it was pretty obvious we were tourists haha.)
We ended up eating yakitori (chicken skewers), a wakame salad (seaweed salad), and the tofu roll thingy from the guy. 
We couldn't find a place to sit so we went back outside and sat in the shade of a sculpture to eat, while watching a lot of little kids play in this water feature.

All in all, day 2 was a pretty relaxed day to recuperate from our flight. While we can't say much for Tokyo Skytree itself, I totally recommend taking a look at it and checking out the mall underneath it.

Part 3 coming soon I hope... sorry it's taking us forever to do any posts; we've just been so swamped with assignments and projects, and we've got the exams coming up. We'll probably have reviews and more posts after November~