Sunday 9 November 2014

Japan Trip 2014 Part 3 (Tokyo Disneyland!)

Day 3
Destination: Tokyo DisneyLand!

After a good night's rest, we headed off to the land where dreams come true =w=
Usually, this is a place where people choose to spend 3-5 days, because of how big it is, and the amount of people there, which means that you might not be able to go to all the rides you'd like.

Our hotel had a bus that takes you right to Disneyland; all you have to do is tell the people at the service desk which of the available times you want to catch, and then show up on time.

We picked the one around 10am, so we wouldn't have to rush too much, or waste too much time. Also, we had to grab some food from the almighty 'conbini' before we headed off for some fun.

Anyhow, that's the bus we took from the hotel. Isn't it cute?

The bus had a this screen that advertised Tokyo Disneyland and a water park. At first we were like 'oooooh :D', but then when it repeated itself for the 10th time, well... we found the scenery passing by outside much more interesting.

When we arrived there there were a ton of buses in this area, where all the buses stopped. 
And the line to get the ticket... there were at least 10 lines, all at least 30m long LOL.

I totally recommend buying your tickets beforehand so you can skip then line. But even if you don't, the wait isn't too long.

Just a note, there's a line just for buying tickets, and a line to get through the gates, so make sure you get in the right line for whichever it is you're getting. 

After you get in, this is what it looks like :3

And yes, we all wrote wishes on a Mickey Mouse shaped card and tied it up with a gazillion other wishes 

Just some pics from DisneyLand~

When we saw the bear, we all agreed that it looked like us during the semester... all worn out. Poor Big Al.

The figures inside the box above was all made from paper. It was so pretty =w=
The box itself wasn't too shabby.

Oh man, the girl kneeling. She looks like she's trying to pick a fight or something.
"Wanna fight bro, wanna fight?!?! ...sorry ma'm. No, I'd still like my pumpkin carriage please,  godmother..."

Minnie Mouse House!!! She's one of my favourite Disney characters.

Some food from DisneyLand. Chips, special bun burgers, hot dog, strawberry pie... It was pretty yummy, at DisneyLand prices haha.

Oh man, it was a really long and tiring day. I was too accustomed to waiting no more than maybe 20-30 minutes maximum for a ride, but some rides had an estimate 40 minute wait?
And when we talked to some Japanese friends, they said some rides on a busy day they had to wait for 2 hours.

I definitely recommend using the fast passes, where you get a fast pass ticket for a specific ride earlier in the day, and then go back when you can use the fast pass. You still have to wait around 10-15 minutes, but it's bearable. Sort of...

If you're very keen on all the rides, I recommend at least two days.

We watched fireworks at the end of the night, and got back to the hotel at around 11, and were dead asleep pretty quickly after Disneyland.

Next: Visiting a Japanese University

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