Friday 7 February 2014

[The FACE Shop] New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Aloe Nose Strip

By J

Woah, so much time has passed already; January came by and went so quickly. o.o

As free samples from, I've gotten quite a few different brands of nose pore strips, and I have to say I like The FACE Shop (hereafter 'TFS') Aloe Nose Strips the best.
They have one that doesn't have aloe but I find that when I use it I get quite a bit of clay (grey stuff) getting around.

As peeps living in NZ, the mud and hot springs have been toted around as medicinal and containing healing properties for plenty of years (as the Rotorua Museum will tell you). I'm not totally sold on it, but I do recommend the hot pools if anyone is ever in the North Island.

So onto the review:

 The good thing about this is that there are instructions on how to use this, shown in a way that non-english speakers can understand. There was this one brand that I tried that had no instructions that I could read and that was a disaster. 

I really like how this actually fits my face. Another brand I sampled had the wings go all the way under my eyes, and it hurt the skin under my eyes when I peeled it off :c

Not sure if you can see, but if you enlarge the picture, you can see the stuff it pulled out :D
It's gross, but it's fun to look at afterwards.



The shape of the strip is really good for the nose; it doesn't venture into eye area
Clean and easy to use
J Pulls out a lot of impurities (I wish i had a better picture to show you guys ;c)
Pain is more tolerable than other strips I've tried
J Price is affordable ($4.78 USD on Jolse, haven't found cheaper on ebay)


If the strip is not completely dry, you may get some residue on your nose (but you can just clean it off)
It hurts to pull it off (no pain no gain I guess)

Overall: 4.6/5 (for the residue, and the pain)

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